In line with the recently adopted Global Goals for Sustainable Development, this project aims to catalyze improvements in the quality of teaching and learning at the basic education level in Nepal through innovative, transformative and contextualized pedagogical approaches. The project will strengthen the motivation and capacity of a range of stakeholders at the local level, but also at the higher education level to enable Tribhuvan University and Kathmandu University to take a leading role in establishing dynamic networks of innovative, transformative and contextualized educational programs. The following approaches will be used to realize these main objectives:
- piloting of innovative approaches at schools in diverse settings in Nepal to stimulate improvements in education, health, sustainability, productivity and livelihood prospects;
- intensive teacher training and leadership training for teachers and head teachers to support their professional development
- inclusive approaches to engaging marginalized groups in all aspects of the project
- capacity development at Tribhuvan University and Kathmandu University to undertake rigorous research that informs policy development
- sustained engagement with key stakeholders to scale models that demonstrate promise in improving teaching and learning outcomes in Nepal.
- sustainable approaches to water supply and sanitation utilizing water resources (EcoSan with WASH facilities) including the diversion and use of urine as a fertilizer as well as the processing treatment and treatment/hygienization (eg. school compost) and projects related to rainwater harvesting and bioenergy. This is to model and engage teachers and students in sustainable and relevant strategies to improve water and sanitation within schools and local communities. Such an approach also has a clear multiplier effect, through improvements to education and health outcomes as well as modelling a viable social entrepreneurship approach.
Partner Institutions: Tribhuvan University(TU), Kathmandu University(KU) and The Norwegian University of Life Sciences(NMBUs