Roshani Rajbanshi
Roshani Rajbanshi, Ph.D. is a post-doctoral fellow candidate under NORHED fellowship at School of Education, Kathmandu University, Lalitpur, Nepal. She earned her Ph.D. in Curriculum and Instruction from New Mexico State University with a major in Educational Learning Technology and a minor in Biology.
She has a couple of publications in journals. She attended and presented at regional, national, and international conferences. She worked as a graduate assistant in STEM Outreach Center and facilitated many professional development activities related to STEM topics. She wrote many STEM-related curriculum guides for summer institute and afterschool programs which were implemented in public schools with great success. She taught in various schools, colleges as well as in university. She was also invited to present as guest speaker in universities. While working as an Academic Director for Nepali Students’ Association (NeSA) she organized International Conference where many international students presented.
She has friendly personality, is a team player and enthusiastic to learn and explore new ideas. Currently, she is interested in doing research STEAM education, professional development for teachers, technology use in classroom, and science education.
Published Paper
- Dhungana, P., Rajbanshi, R., Dahal, N., & Luitel, B.C. (2021). Possibilities of a participatory pedagogy for enhancing teaching, learning, and assessing in a Nepali university class. Asian Pacific Journal of Educational Research.
- Dhungana, P., Rajbanshi, R. & Gurung, L. (2021). Context-responsive equitable strategies for developing gender-responsive curriculums in Nepal. Transformations, 7(1),2. Available at: https://nsuworks.nova.edu/transformations/vol7/iss1/2
- Gurung, L. & Rajbanshi, R. (2020). Gender assessment of teacher education curricula: A case study of Kathmandu University, School of Education. Social Inquiry: Journal of Social Science Research, (2, 2), 38-63.
- Rai, J., Sada, S., Khadka, S., Chapagain, S., Neupane, G., & Rajbanshi, R. (2020). Nhu Pokhari: Conservation for Sustainability. Pratibimba
- Rajbanshi, R. & Luitel, B. C. (2020). Transformative Learning: An Approach to Understand Participatory Action Research. Transformations, 6(1), 2
- Rajbanshi, R., Brown, S., Mucundanyi, G., Ozer, M. A., Delgado, N. (2020). A case study on professional development: Improving STEM Teaching in K-12 education. The Qualitative Report, (25, 12), 4209-4223.
- Rajbanshi, R. (2017). A phenomenological study on middle-school science teachers’ perspectives on utilization of technology in the science classroom and its effect on their pedagogy [Dissertation]
- Rajbanshi, R. & Brown, S. (2015). SEMAA—An Afterschool Program and Its Impact. Advances in Education Sciences, Proceeding of 2nd International Conference for Creative Education, 10, 215-220
- Rajbanshi, R. (2014). Vector Borne Disease – Kala-azar (Visceral Leishmaniasis) in Nepal.” In NESA 6th Conference Proceeding.”
- Rajbanshi, R., Dhungana, P., & Luitel, B.C. (2021). Identification of Needs of Community Schools of Kavre, Nepal for Educational Improvement. The Qualitative Report, 26(11), 3551-3562. https://doi.org/10.46743/2160-3715/2021.4975
- Rajbanshi, R., Bastien, S., Pandey, M., Sharma, B., & Luitel, B. C. (2021). Intervention mapping as a framework for planning the implementation of urine diversion toilets and Ecosan education in a community school in Kavre, Nepal. Waterlines, 40(2), 127-141
Copyright @2021 KUSOED | Supported by: NORAD under its NORHED Programme | Transform Partners: TU, KU & NMBU.